恭喜碩士班 楊惠雯同學 榮獲110學年第一學期書卷獎
恭喜碩士班 楊惠雯同學 榮獲110學年第一學期書卷獎
Congrats! Our article has been accepted for publication in Materials Today Bio
Manuscript Title: An Electroactive Hybrid Biointerface for Enhancing Neuronal Differentiation and Axonal Outgrowth on Bio-subretinal Chip...
Congrats! Our article has been accepted for publication in Computers in Biology and Medicine
Manuscript Title: A Mask R-CNN Based Automatic Assessment System for Nail Psoriasis Severity Authors: Kuan Yu Hsieh, Hung-Yi Chen,...
Congrats! Our article has been accepted for publication in Materials Today Advances
Manuscript title: "Airborne toxicological assessment: the potential of lung-on-a-chip as an alternative to animal testing" Author(s):...
Congrats! Our article has been accepted for publication in ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering
Manuscript title: "Enhanced Probe Bonding and Fluorescence Properties through Annealed Graphene Oxide Nanosheets" Author(s): Chen,...
Congrats! Our article has been accepted for publication in Communications Biology
Title: Tissue-level alveolar epithelium model for recapitulating SARS-CoV-2 infection and cellular plasticity Authors: Jia-Wei Yang,...